Hey hello Nao,

You found the site!

Good morning


I just wanted to find a way

To say

How much I love you

And I really do love you

I love you so much that

I want to make you this special website

To tell you how much I love you



Oh what's that?

It's your birthday!

Happy Birthday Naomi

My lover

My partner

My friend

My data analyst

Future wife

Current star



You want to know what I got you as a present?

Well I know you like surprises

So I'm going to give you three clues



Can I just say how beautiful you are



Clue #1

I love spending quality time together

You're present for me is so perfect

It's amazing how we think alike

It's something we talked about in KL

Taken to the next level

Is that too much?



Clue #2

It's a date!

You gave me a date for my present surprise

This date will be just as helpful

31st December 2019


That's it

So it has to be something we can drive to

West of London somewhere

Any ideas?



Final clue

Ok this is it

Almost over

Get ready to get relaxed...

Get your bikini ready...

We're going to Thermae Bath Spa for a couples massage, vegan lunch and swim in the natural pools overlooking the city.
Click to message me how much you love me!